“There is no landscape” was a performance from choreographer Jungsun Kim and Matthias Erian at the Museum of Modern and contemporary Art in Seoul.
Instant Landscape was part of this performance, which happened at 3 places inside the museum, in the yard, in the theatre and side entrance area in one is an sound installation which was original created for a performance, in collaboration with the choreographer Jung Sun Kim at the Museum of Modern and contemporary Art in Seoul.
The installation was placed in the inner yard inside the museum. The sound environment in the inner yard was composed by the nature sound on one hand, on the other hand of the city sound, construction sound of the nearby workers and so on.
Through this, the sound installation was inspirited by this to sound qualities.
Instant Landscape is an sound installation which was original created for a performance, in collaboration with the choreographer Jung Sun Kim at the Museum of Modern and contemporary Art in Seoul.
The installation was placed in a inner yard inside the museum. The sound environment in the inner yard was composed by the nature sound on one hand, on the other hang of the city sound, construction sound of the nearby workers and so on.
Through this, the sound installation was inspirited by this to sound qualities.